
Greyfriars Ministries Limited (GML) is a company limited by guarantee. The PCC of Greyfriars Church is its sole member and the company trades independently of the church. The company’s purpose is to run commercial operations on behalf of Greyfriars Church and, to achieve that, the ethos under which GML operates is a Christian one.
The way in which we work as a business is the demonstration and authentication of the ethos by which we live as Christians and is characterised by the values of Faith, Hope and Love.
All who represent our ethos must commit to do nothing to undermine these principles.
Faith. This includes a value for all people of all races, ages, and conditions; a concern for the well-being of all people; integrity in all areas of life, from business practices to personal relationships; transparency about our beliefs and practices; and accountability. It is important that those who represent our ethos in the world understand our faith and are sympathetic to our desire to operate on the basis of this faith.
Hope. In a world where we see the dissolution of relationships, poverty, addictions and violence, we believe that the love of God brings hope. It is important that those who represent our ethos in the world are sympathetic to our desire to operate on the basis of this hope.
Love. We believe in the imperative to love one another, both within the company and the wider community. It is important that those who represent our ethos in the world are sympathetic and actively seek to love in this way.